请穷游们注意,网上订Lomprayah公司船票也不再免费酒店接送。我提前4天在在网上订了Lomprayah公司苏梅岛到涛岛的船票,今天收到公司的邮件,到酒店接去码头每个人150泰铢。s your Booking WR1906262624 departure from Samuyi - Tao on 30 June at 12:30 and request pick up at Samui Beach Rescidence,Transfer pick up charge 150/person. Please reconfirm again if you need Transfer Pick Up.Looking forwards to hear from ...
The Larder——来自国外的二重唱 不一样的英式料理“decided Samui was lacking a down-to-earth eatery where the atmosphere is warm and welcoming, without the food dropping in standard”。这就是The Lader餐厅,一间低调的欧洲美食餐厅。The Lader餐厅位于相对于人少安静的chaweng北,餐厅对面就是著名国际五星级酒店Anantara Lawana Resort 。当你来找到这里,一个简单精致,全木英式风格的The Lader餐厅就会呈现在你面...