US – Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires – El Calafate (3 days)
El Calafate – Bariloche (3 days)
Bariloche – Buenos Aires (3 days)
Buenos Aires – US
Restaurants to eat:
1. El Calafate: Los Amigos, (02902) 492093, Lemann 40; Very good home-made food. Need to know Spanish to read the menu.
2. Bariloche: Jauja, Familia Weiss Restaurant.
3. Buenos Aires: shopping mall food court is a must visit! Lots of v...
圣地亚哥 Santiago de Chile
出机场大门后向右走,远处一片空地就是停车场和大巴候车的地方。去市中心可以搭乘centropuerto公司的蓝色大巴(车身上有centropuerto字样),终点站是Los Heroes地铁站,1400比...