已经旅游回来拉感谢穷游里的一些很优秀的帖子,让我在被拒签后,马上重拾信心递交二签。分享一些这次签证的经历,过程真是焦灼,感觉比以前高考还焦虑。希望我的一些经历能让以后的朋友们能更好的准备签证,顺利下签。才有这一次旅行第一位Q 也就是本人6.14 提交一签,7.4号拒签。7.10 二签,8.2下签。第二位 L 6.14 提交一签 ,7.11下签第三位 X 6.15 提交一签,7.6拒签。7.13二签,8.7下签第四位 Z 6.19 提交一签,7.9拒签。7.15...
拒签信内容:As you do not meet one or more clauses in Schedule 2 of the Regulations, I find that you donot meet the criteria for the grant of a subclass 600 visa in the Visitor visa class. Therefore, Irefuse your application for a Visitor visa.Reasons for decisionYou did not satisfy Subclause 600.211 of the Migration Regulations 1994, which reads that:The applicant genuinely intends to stay tempor...