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  • 阿拉穆
    游记 非洲版 精华索引贴 200606-20080306
    阿拉穆 2008-02-288588 29最后回复 2008-03-12 21:59
    因为字数的限制 所以把非洲热门的几个国家的帖子都编辑在这里 其他国家的帖子都放在了7楼 感兴趣地往下看就能找到了 实用攻略篇 埃及15天无废话实用攻略 【维生素】黑在埃及的日子--残存的记忆影像 埃及信息---半截烟灰信息的补充 黑在埃及的日子——补护照全功略 关于入境埃及时被扣的一点个人意 说说埃及几个城市的住宿 一个人的埃及 埃及最年轻的法老图特卡蒙宝藏系列一 埃及最年轻的法老图特卡蒙宝藏系列二...
  • 长音
    游记 南非三星期(5)加照片
    长音 2006-02-213329 6最后回复 2006-02-21 20:53
    英文的帖子人气实在低 也许是看着太累,不如母语来的痛快 一年前写的时候倒还觉得打得顺畅, 主要是为了让全世界的人都能看到 算了算了,先帖完再说。。。 • Zululand (2) -- Drakensberg The mountains of South Africa don’t stand as a single solid range like the European Alps. They are a series of ranges, each imbued with its own particular character. Drakensberg is the most majestic of the ranges, s...
  • 长音
    游记 南非三星期(7)加照片
    长音 2006-02-213664 6最后回复 2006-02-21 16:59
    花园路线太欧化 种族分化黑与白 “唐吉戈德”骑鸵鸟 原始风光最诱人 花园路线 stretches from Tsitsikamma River Mouth to Mossel Bay (or the other way around, depending on which way you start) like a pearl necklace of bays, beaches, cliffs and rocky capes strung together along a line of pounding white surf. Mountains crowd the shoreline and high rainfall on their peaks brings a consistent supply of wat...
  • 长音
    游记 南非三星期(9)大结局 加照片
    长音 2006-02-213726 6最后回复 2006-02-21 16:13
    罗本岛是最后一站 从中受获很多启发 只有最最宽容之心 才能赢得整个世界 罗本岛 April 16 Last day in South Africa! I still cannot get used to the idea that our vacation comes to an end. What to do to make a nice ending? Yesterday we saw Robben Island from the top of Table Mountain. It stands there in mid of the ocean, so isolated and detached from the rest of Cape Town. Robben Island used to be a pri...
  • 长音
    游记 南非三星期(3)加照片
    长音 2006-02-163835 10最后回复 2006-02-16 21:57
    三月正是去南非的好时节 旅店好订,人不多, 只是看不到海豚和鲸鱼 接上回 Swaziland王国 • Swaziland: touching smiles and raw African April 1 Happy April Fools continue to the next destination – Swaziland. Swaziland is a small kingdom independent from South Africa, so we get out of South Africa’s border control and get in the border of Swaziland. That adds two extra stamps in our passport. ...
  • 长音
    游记 南非三星期(4)加照片
    长音 2006-02-163522 9最后回复 2006-02-16 20:35
    祖鲁王国 --圣鲁西亚 • Zululand (1) -- St. Lucia Lying within a unique world heritage site that contains 5 ecosystems and situated on the estuary of the St. Lucia Lake, St. Lucia is a veritable relaxing heaven as everything here relates to beach, fishing, boat hire, snorkeling and beach. Plus, very important, a lot of sunscreen. April 4 We are welcomed by a bright blue sky first morning in...
  • 长音
    游记 南非三星期(6)
    长音 2006-02-133318 1最后回复 2006-02-13 00:36
    阳光海岸没阳光 学习冲浪靠胆量 •Sunshine Coast and Garden Route: unlucky with weather but still have fun April 9 If staying a bit longer in East London, we'd probably find it a more interesting place. But it's always a pity of time limit that our traveling can't be extent in one place long enough to thoroughly explore it, discover it and enjoy it. Neither can all beautiful places be visite...
  • crisbebe
    游记 简单的非洲人
    crisbebe 2006-02-086400 33最后回复 2006-02-08 00:40
    简单的非洲人 有很多人说起国外的生活都觉得充满了孤独感,很难溶于当地的社会,但是在非洲似乎并不感觉到这种顾虑,因为和非洲人交往是一种非常简单的事。非洲人没有太复杂的思维,他们从来不会去揣摩和窥视其他人的内心活动,全世界皆兄弟是他们做人的准则。大街上任何一个非洲人都会和你打招呼:“你好,中国人”,甚至一个不经意的眼神交流,他们就会立即会和你话,先说今天天气真好,然后问你全家好吗?非常友好,但也有上当...
  • uniway
    游记 与大家分享南非旅游图片
    uniway 2005-12-254367 14最后回复 2005-12-25 11:02


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