从佩加蒙博物馆出来,走过一座人獣角斗雕塑和一座骑马勇士雕塑后,来到了新博物馆的门口。骑士雕像新博物馆门前大力神海格力斯与狮子决斗雕塑新博物馆在博物馆岛中的位置示意图(图上方为南,带色的建筑是新博物馆)在新博物馆入口处山墙上,镌刻着威廉四世献给威廉三世的铭文,其文曰:“Museum A Patre Beatissimo Conditum Ampliavit Filius MDCCCLV(由最有福祉的父亲修建的博物馆,儿子扩充之)”。体现新老两个博物馆之间继...
Preparation:Destination:I deicded to go to Munich in December of 2019.Hotel & Air ticket: Then I booked hotel and air tickets in DecemberGuide: Download online guideDay 1Flight: From Beijing to Munich.Arried in Munich at 7 PM and my friend picked my up at the airport.Subway ticket: My friend helped me buy one-week Subway ticket at the airport. I was told by the Subway staff that the ticket was...