之前很多人问这个问题,我找到原文出去,应该是有申根居留(residence permit)的可以直接免签。原文如下:
Government of the Republic of Croatia, at its session on 25 February 2010, adopted the decision to temporarily facilitate the entry of aliens on tourist visits to the Republic of Croatia on the basis of valid Schengen residence permits and visas. Consequently, the following categories of aliens te...
Consular Affairs Directorate
Visa Department
OUR REF: 216-03/10-01/799
OUR NO.: 521-VI-02/KM-10-02
Zagreb, 29 June 2010
Dear Mr.XXX,
Referring to your e-mail message dated 26 June 2010, please be informed that organized tourist group must be consist of the nationals of the Peoples Republic of China (at least five) and they have ...