The Foreign Ministry is working to provide Ukraine with a visa-free regime with Mexico, Grenada, China and the overseas departments of France. This was stated by State Secretary of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Andriy Zayats in an interview with "Apostrophe"Related News: An agreement on visa-free travel between Ukraine and Northern Macedonia is starting todayIn the near future, Ukraine ...
美国签证一直被行政审核,眼看着去墨西哥的日子越来越近,于是申请拿出护照去办墨西哥签证。然而墨西哥这个国家的签证办起来也挺麻烦的。。。 1、首先你得先给墨西哥使馆发邮件预约办签证时间,邮箱地址:visasmexsha@163.com邮件内容并没有什么要求,但需附上护照的复印件,我当时邮件正文只写了一句I will go to Mexico for travel from *** to ***, so I need the visa of Mexico....但是我不知道要附上护照复印件,隔了一天收...
刚闲着没事儿看墨西哥驻纽约领事馆,看到If you have a valid and unexpired visa of the following countries: Canada, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and any of the countries of the Schengen Area, you do not need a visa to enter Mexico for tourism, business or transit purposes. All individuals in this category are required to present their valid and u...
一直自诩是个半吊子旅游达人,所以一直不想提笔写下什么。这次是应允了太多朋友要写博客分享美容瘦身心得于是乎开通了博客。哈哈好了,废话不多说切入正题吧。冒着生命危险和被check的risk跑去传说中的蒂华纳续签原因是因为我要去欧洲做交换生,但是大概从2013年开始Schengenvisa要求US visa must be valid at least 90 days beyond to yourintended departure date of Schengen territory.当我被意大利大使馆拒绝接受材料之后像热...