近日在多伦多申请了日本签证,在坛子里看到了很多有益的帖子。很多帖子提到在加拿大不能办理日本多次签证,这个规定现在更改了。居住海外的中国护照持有者享受和在中国一样的政策,可签发日本三年五年多次往返签证。这里是日本外务省的最新通知:“Multiple–entry visas for Chinese visitors residing outside of China with a substantially high income or a sufficient level of financial capabilityMultiple -entry visas m...
首先感谢大家分享签证经验(在欧洲,美国以及澳洲申多次日签的帖子)英国的日本使馆网站没有任何关于多次的信息,只有提到致电使馆咨询。(亲测电话很容易打通)递交材料当天我尝试获取三年与五年的条件要求,很遗憾工作人员不肯透露。以下是我提交的材料(都在cover letter里列出来了),由于大家提交也得是英文我就不翻译了1. The reason(s) of applying multi-entry visa.1.1 Japan is my favorite travel destination.1.2 The hu...
**根据布里斯班领馆的信息 https://www.brisbane.au.emb-japan.go.jp/downloads/MultipleVisaApplication_ChineseCitizens.pdf,关于面对高收入中国公民的多次往返日本旅游签证 "Caution: Australian student visa holders cannot obtain this visa unless their parent or spouse
obtains the visa in advance."****Update 直接在大使馆问了工作人员,中国护照学生身份也可以直接申请多次入境签证,只要有充足的资金证...
终于买票要去日本旅游啦!由于住在阿德莱德没有领事馆,所以要邮寄材料去墨尔本才能办理,而且它们不给邮寄回来。哭Q. I live in Adelaide. Can you post back my passport?A. We do not post passports back to applicants. Applicants need to arrange their collection at Consulate-General of Japan, Melbourne. The authorised person by applicants can collect their passport on their behalf with the photo ID of the a...